Your network is your Business. To really know your network, you need a network monitoring solution that can provide immediate and continuous visibility into the health of your ICT network infrastructure. Network monitoring helps you to stay in Business! Remember, a bespoke network monitoring deployment can help you find issues more quickly, keep your business healthy by enabling you to avoid expensive outages, resolve bottlenecks more easily, address performance issues before they cause problems, and significantly reduce your organizational IT costs by only buying the hardware & resources you really need!

As networking technology becomes more complex, ICT network monitoring has continued to evolve. Multilayer switches, routers, hubs and bridges connect key infrastructure components together exposing your entire infrastructure to the external network environments like the public Internet or some cloud-based platforms. Moreover, there are numerous Cybersecurity aspects like virtual private networks (VPNs), intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), spam, malware & virus filters, and of course firewalls. As you can imagine, even in a single network there are potentially thousands of elements to monitor. That’s why understanding the complexity of your ICT Network & Cybersecurity Infrastructure is the key to running a successful Business.
HAYYDEN can help you address all of these areas of your ICT infrastructure by implementing a dedicated monitoring platform. Our Network monitoring services include ICT infrastructure and Network & Cybersecurity monitoring solutions that are customized to meet your organization’s specific needs and goals.
It is important to realize that Network & Security monitoring is critical to Businesses of all sizes. It doesn’t matter if you’re a large corporate brand, medium-sized or a small Business – All types of organizations are vulnerable to serious Cybersecurity attacks!
Recent years have shown that even small Businesses have become the target for external attacks due to the fact that hackers are well aware that small Businesses do not follow security policies and are lacking Network & Cybersecurity monitoring which also plays an integral role in maintaining high security level. The perception that Network & Cybersecurity monitoring is only important for large corporations, government departments, banking & financial institutions, and large insurance organizations is rapidly changing. The Network & Cybersecurity monitoring is increasingly becoming an integral part of the small & medium-sized companies as well.